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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

WhAt's YoUr FaVoRiTe WORD?

What is your favorite word?  Mine is JOY.  Not sure when this came about…but it is.  The simple definition of the noun JOY is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. 

The word “enjoy” (take delight or pleasure in) turns JOY into a verb…something I handwrite on all my Piccadilee tags.

I took this one step further and created what turned out to be my all-time favorite crafted item this year.  Check it out.  If you zoom in you’ll see flecks of color that add dimension to the piece.

***Wishing all my family and friends a JOYOUS (adjective meaning full of happiness and joy) holiday season. 
Happy New Year everyone!

Feel free to leave your favorite word in the comment area below the pictures. 

This is a tall sign hand-painted on wood. 

I love the little berries on the ribbon. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

MeRry ChRistMas!!

I guess I can wish everyone a Merry Christmas even if it's a little bit late.  I figure as long as the New Year has not arrived I'm safe.

I have been busy busy busy with creating Christmas items to sell in a few local shops.  I love doing business with local businesses.  It's a win win situation, don't  you think?

Here are photos of the ones that hit the stores.  I can't tell you how many are still on the drawing board and let's not talk about the list in my head... always daydreaming about my next project. 


with love, laura lee