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Saturday, March 12, 2016


So I’m a northern gal livin’ in and lovin’ the South. 
I mostly enjoy learning the proper use of certain Southern phases. 

Dadgummit…It’s like a whole new language down here. 

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit but I think my favorite expression is…Bless Your Heart.

For my northern friends, here’s how to properly use this expression.


1: phrase used by Southern women to excuse themselves for speaking ill of someone else.

"She's as ugly as a mud-fence, bless her heart."

2: an expression of sympathy or pity.

"Well, bless your heart that must have been terrible!"

3: a polite way to respond to an ignoramus, particularly male, who showers upon you flattering but unwanted compliments.

drunk fella: "I think you're beautiful! Even if you were ugly, I'd STILL think you were beautiful!"   recipient: "...bless your heart."

Well thank you kindly but if the Good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise, I think I may have stumbled onto a good thing here…

Bless Your Heart!

Hand Painted on Natural Colored Canvas

Sunday, March 6, 2016

hippity hoppity EASTER’s on its way!

SPRING just has to be my favorite time of the year.  It’s a time to rejoice and celebrate new beginnings. 

I especially love seeing the flowers and trees beginning to bloom. 
AND I’m a big bunny, rabbit, and hare lover…so having a season that lends itself to those furry little creatures delights me to no end.
Here are a few pictures of some wonderful little creations ready for delivery...

Ready for delivery

Sweet little bunny pillows

Perfect for your home

I can personalize any pillow!