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Saturday, March 12, 2016


So I’m a northern gal livin’ in and lovin’ the South. 
I mostly enjoy learning the proper use of certain Southern phases. 

Dadgummit…It’s like a whole new language down here. 

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit but I think my favorite expression is…Bless Your Heart.

For my northern friends, here’s how to properly use this expression.


1: phrase used by Southern women to excuse themselves for speaking ill of someone else.

"She's as ugly as a mud-fence, bless her heart."

2: an expression of sympathy or pity.

"Well, bless your heart that must have been terrible!"

3: a polite way to respond to an ignoramus, particularly male, who showers upon you flattering but unwanted compliments.

drunk fella: "I think you're beautiful! Even if you were ugly, I'd STILL think you were beautiful!"   recipient: "...bless your heart."

Well thank you kindly but if the Good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise, I think I may have stumbled onto a good thing here…

Bless Your Heart!

Hand Painted on Natural Colored Canvas

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